04 martie 2007

Că tot e la modă

Sunt o carte pe care (spre ruşinea mea, poate) încă n-am citit-o. În fine, nici nu ştiu dacă numărul acela de întrebări e suficient şi nici nu ştiu cât de sinceră am fost sau dacă le-am înţeles bine ţinând cont de engleza mea de baltă.

You're Dune!

by Frank Herbert

You have control over a great wealth of resources, but no one wants to
let you have them. You've decided to try to defend yourself, but it may take eons before
you really get back what you feel you deserve. Meanwhile you have a cult-like following
of minions waiting for your life to progress. This would all be even more exciting if you
could just get the sand out of your eyes.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.